use cases

Differential Diagnosis with AI

Automate note-taking for doctors, save time and cut down mistakes.


Achieving timely and accurate medical diagnoses is a pivotal and often intricate task for healthcare professionals. Complications arise when differentiating between conditions that share similar symptoms. Additeionally, sifting through the vast amount of information required—from medical histories to test results—can bog down the diagnostic process. The consequent delays and potential for error in initiating correct treatment are considerable, with estimates suggesting as much as 50% of chronic diseases are either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Furthermore, the ambiguity of symptoms, which can be too generalized or mimic numerous conditions, adds to the complexity faced by healthcare workers. This can lead to misinformed decisions, impacting patient care and resulting in avoidable costs that climb into the billions due to the repercussions of misdiagnoses and related health complications (1).

Why it matters

  • Timely and accurate medical diagnoses are challenging due to overlapping symptoms and the need to sift through extensive information.
  • Estimates suggest up to 50% of chronic diseases are either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, leading to significant delays and potential errors in treatment.
  • Ambiguous symptoms and misdiagnoses result in avoidable costs reaching billions, impacting patient care and healthcare efficiency.


“DiagnoStream AI” has been developed as an AI-based digital assistant to assist in differential diagnosis. This tool systematically analyzes patient symptoms, medical history, and test results to propose the most likely diagnoses, addressing the critical need for rapid and accurate decision making in patient care.

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The AI assistant is powered by data from PubMed, a renowned biomedical research database offering a comprehensive and reliable foundation for training the diagnostic tool in evidence-based medical science.


  1. Kumar, Y., Koul, A., Singla, R., & Ijaz, M. F. (2023). Artificial intelligence in disease diagnosis: a systematic literature review, synthesizing framework and future research agenda. Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing, 14(7), 8459–8486.

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