use cases

Automated Electronic Medical Record Summarizer | Arkangel AI

Summarize patient data and get concise information based on medical history


Doctors often face the challenge of navigating through extensive medical records to evaluate patient histories and treatment requirements. With approximately 27% of your clinical time spent managing such data, the pressure to thoroughly review these documents, which consist of detailed patient histories, diagnostic reports, test results, and prior treatment plans, is intense ( 1). Given these time constraints and the inherent complexity of medical records, physicians risk missing crucial information, errors that could compromise patient care, and increased risk of medical errors in judgment.

Why it matters

  • Doctors spend about 27% of their clinical time managing extensive medical records, including patient histories, diagnostic reports, and treatment plans.
  • The time constraints and complexity of medical records increase the risk of missing crucial information and making errors in patient care.
  • These challenges can lead to compromised patient care and an increased risk of medical errors in judgment.


The MediSummarize Pro AI assistant has been designed to efficiently summarize patient data, providing doctors with concise information on medical history, symptomatology and vital signs. It synthesizes this data to suggest possible diagnoses and treatment options, thus optimizing patient care. With MediSummarize Pro, medical professionals can quickly interpret patient data, enabling informed and timely medical decisions.

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The assistant is based on PubMed, which offers a wide range of biomedical research data, ensuring evidence-based insights. Additionally, the assistant integrates electronic health records (EHR), clinical trial databases, and patient medical records to provide a multifaceted view of each patient's medical history, ensuring summaries are accurate, relevant, and useful in the diagnostic process.


  1. Overhage JM, McCallie D Jr. Physician Time Spent Using the Electronic Health Record During Outpatient Encounters: A Descriptive Study. Ann Intern Med. 2020 Feb 4;172(3):169-174. doi: 10.7326/M18-3684. Epub 2020 Jan 14. Erratum in: Ann Intern Med. 2020 Oct 6;173(7):596. PMID: 31931523.

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